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Batman vs. Robin BATMAN: WHAT TO expect IN 2021!

everyone has a favorite comic villain. Today, we’re taking a look at a few of the choice members of the Bad-Guy Club – most with keys that are more than affordable.

Joker’s Wild

The Joker is a Villain, but if we go by the 2019 movie I wouldn’t blame you if you viewed him as an anti-hero. As a result, this version of The Joker makes you empathize for the abused and root for the bullied people in society.

Regardless of how one might see him, it’s hard to deny that he brings out the best and the worst of Batman.

The Joker we see in the 2019 movie is an antihero for the people. However, in the comics, he has no moral compass. Ultimately, he is just a man who has developed a full taste for anarchy.

Consequently, the common man only wants to control the chaos around himself.

Recommended Pick: Batman three Jokers #1 (2020).  A CGC 9.9 sold on 01/2021 for $280.

Heavy Is The Head That wears The Crown

When we think of villains or even anti-heroes, Wakanda has more than a few that fit the bill. One would naturally think that Kilmonger would be the most treacherous of all Wakandans; however, there is one who slips under the radar. I’m referring to Man-Ape. He has had his moments as both pal and enemy to the Wakandan people.

Man-Ape, also known as M’baku, is from the Jabari Tribe. He has fought alongside Black Panther on the good side and he was a part of the Lethal legion on the other. T’challa even invited M’baku to his wedding.

We know M’baku sat on the Wakandan throne before as a fill-in, but can he again? He was even banned from Wakanda. It’s without a doubt T’challa and M’baku have had a tumultuous love/hate relationship. even so, if M’baku is the next to wear the crown; he will rule as King, and be loved as the next Black Panther. recommended Pick(s): Black Panther #4 (2018).

Gotham bad Boy

Next, we have another misunderstood creation of the Arkham Asylum and yet another orphan of Gotham City. David Hyde would grow up with multiple origin stories. Going by the origin story in the new 52, he was on a mission to get a sample of Arthur Curry’s blood. David’s adoptive father was accidentally killed on this mission by Aquaman.

A mysterious mercenary trained in hand-to-hand combat. David Hyde; better known as Black Manta, is a former member of the legion of Doom and a formidable opponent for any of DC’s Heroes. Black Manta’s suit comes with a jetpack and his helmet allows him to shoot energy beams from his eyes. He’s also a master in many forms of martial arts.

It’s hard not to love anyone who had it so rough as a child. three different origins for one undeniable fact, Black Manta is indeed a villain we hate to love. recommended Pick: Aquaman #23.1 (Black Manta #1).  CGC 9.8s can currently be found for very economical prices.

Until I put On The Mask

The definition of the word Bane is: The cause of terrific distress or annoyance. true to his name, Bane is a villain we hate and few of us love. in spite of his superior strength and stature, Bane is a super-intelligent muscle man with his moral compass intact.

We were first introduced to Bane in Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (1993). Bane was bred inside of the isolated Pena Duro Prison. He would study and lift weights each day to form a balance between his mind and body in order to promote himself as the perfect weapon to combat injustice.

Bane’s mask releases numbing gases to help comfort his pain from his many injuries acquired in the Pit. Bane is one of the few to defeat Batman both physically and mentally. Bane’s love for Talia al Ghul at its very core brings out the light in him, in spite of himself. One could argue that Bane is an antihero fighting what he deems as corruption in Gotham City.

Bane was a member of the league of Shadows, but as he started to pull away from Ra’s al Ghul’s leadership he started getting closer to Talia. His feelings of love and adoration trumped by his ability to care for her needs first, aren’t attributes you can give to a true villain. One thing is for certain; Bane is reduced into being a man – vulnerable and a victim to love. recommended Pick: Batman The Dark Knight (vol 2) #6 (The rise Of Bane).

Who is your favorite villain? let us know in the comments!
*Any perceived investment advice is that of the freelance blogger and does not reflect investment advice on behalf of GoCollect.

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April 5, 2021In “Comics”

The Joke is not as bad as the PunchlineThe Joker is a sarcastic sociopath, a snull

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